المؤلف: Rotz, James M.
المؤلف: Buckley, Eve E.
الناشر: the university of north carolina press
نوع المادة: كتاب
Sustainable development, Social aspects.
Sustainable development, Political aspects.
SCIENCE, Environmental Science.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Infrastructure.
Developpement durable, Aspect social, Nordeste (Bresil)
Developpement durable, Aspect politique, Nordeste (Bresil)
Technique de l'irrigation, Aspect social, Nordeste (Bresil)
Technique de l'irrigation, Aspect politique, Nordeste (Bresil)
Secours aux victimes de secheresses, Aspect social, Nordeste (Bresil)
Secours aux victimes de secheresses, Aspect politique, Nordeste (Bresil)
Sustainable development, Social aspects, Brazil, Northeast.
Sustainable development, Political aspects, Brazil, Northeast.
Irrigation engineering, Social aspects, Brazil, Northeast.
Irrigation engineering, Political aspects, Brazil, Northeast.
المصادر: MUSE
المؤلف: Leng, Kirsten,
الناشر: cornell university press
نوع المادة: كتاب
Feminisme et sciences, Allemagne, Histoire, 20e siecle.
Rôle selon le sexe, Allemagne, Histoire, 20e siecle.
Femmes, Sexualite, Allemagne, Histoire, 20e siecle.
Sexologie, Allemagne, Histoire, 20e siecle.
Feministes, Allemagne, Histoire, 20e siecle.
Feminism and science, Germany, History, 20th century.
Sex role, Germany, History, 20th century.
Women, Sexual behavior, Germany, History, 20th century.
Sexology, Germany, History, 20th century.
المصادر: MUSE
نوع المادة: كتاب
المصادر: قاعدة بيانات الكتب المجانية