المؤلف: Dorsey, Leroy G.,
الناشر: texas a&m university press
نوع المادة: كتاب
United States, History, Language, Presidents, 20th century.
United States, 20th century., Communication in conservation of natural resources, History
20th century., United States, Communication in politics, History
20th century., History, Political oratory, United States
Government policy, 20th century., Conservation of natural resources, History, United States
Congresses, 20th century., United States, Conservation of natural resources, History
History and criticism., Speeches, addresses, etc., American
History, Messages, Presidents, 20th century., United States
20th century., United States, Rhetoric, History, Political aspects
المؤلف: Stoiciu, Gina.
الناشر: presses de l’universite du quebec
نوع المادة: كتاب
Communication, Social aspects.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES, Communication Studies.
المصادر: MUSE
نوع المادة: مجلة
Library resources, Bibliography., Canada, Indians of North America
Library resources, Indians of North America, Bibliography.
Bibliography., Libraries and Aboriginal Australians
Libraries, Indigenous peoples, Bibliography.
Maori (New Zealand people) and libraries, Bibliography.
Computer network resources, Indigenous peoples, Bibliography.
Bibliography., Library resources, Indigenous peoples
Library resources, Indian children, Bibliography.
Indians of North America, Education, Bibliography.
Bibliography, Indians of North America, United States, Library resources
Libraries and Torres Strait Islanders, Bibliography.
Alaska, Library resources, Indians of North America, Bibliography.
Libraries and Indians, Bibliography.
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
20th century., Authority, History, Social aspects, United States
Reparations, 20th century., History, Japanese Americans
20th century., Japanese Americans, Social conditions
United States, History, 20th century., Literacy, Social aspects
HISTORY / Military / World War II.
20th century., History, United States, Community life
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Composition & Creative Writing.
History, 20th century., United States, Social change
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / Asian American Studies.
Intellectual life, Japanese Americans, 20th century.
United States, 20th century., Social justice, History
Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945, Japanese Americans, Historiography.
Social aspects, Creative writing, History, United States, 20th century.
اللغة: الإنجليزية
التاريخ: 2015
ردمك: 1607324016
1 online resource (xiv, 250 pages :)
illustrations ;
ملف خارجي
نوع المادة: كتاب
Dictionaries, Chinese characters, Japanese.
Japan, Directories., Shinto shrines
Japanese language, Dictionaries.
Dictionaries, Japan, Japanese., Islands
History, Dictionaries, 19th century, Japan, Japanese., Titles of books
Kabuki plays, Dictionaries, Japanese.
Japanese., Marshes, Japan, Dictionaries
Japan, Japanese., Railroad stations, Dictionaries
Dictionaries, Botany, Japanese.
Haiku, Dictionaries, Japanese.
20th century, Titles of books, Japan, Dictionaries, Japanese., History
To 1868, Dictionaries, Japanese., Japanese literature
Japanese., Zoology, Dictionaries
Directories., Buddhist temples, Japan
Japan, Dictionaries, Japanese., Reefs
المصادر: University of Michigan
التاريخ: 2010
ملف خارجي
المؤلف: Kennedy, Krista,
الناشر: the university of south carolina press
نوع المادة: كتاب
Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Authorship.
Communication in learning and scholarship, Technological innovations.
REFERENCE, Questions & Answers.
REFERENCE, Curiosities & Wonders.
Contenu cree par l'utilisateur.
Communication savante, Innovations, Études de cas.
Encyclopedies electroniques, Études de cas.
Communication in learning and scholarship, Technological innovations, Case studies.
Electronic encyclopedias, Case studies.
المصادر: MUSE
نوع المادة: كتاب
المصادر: قاعدة بيانات الكتب المجانية