المؤلف: Smith, Kimbra,
الناشر: vanderbilt university press
المؤلف: Mignone, Lisa,
الناشر: university of michigan press
نوع المادة: كتاب
To 1500., Italy, History, City and town life, Rome
Italy, Rome, To 1500., Social aspects, Dwellings, History
Italy, History, Social classes, To 1500., Rome
Human geography, Italy, Rome, History, To 1500.
History, Italy, Social integration, Rome, To 1500.
نوع المادة: كتاب
المصادر: قاعدة بيانات الكتب المجانية
المؤلف: Kamal, Amr Tawfik.
نوع المادة: نظرية
French Culture and Literature in Egypt, Jews from Egypt, Levantine Culture in Egypt.
المصادر: University of Michigan
الناشر: j lynch
نوع المادة: كتاب
Bibliography, 18th century, History, Computer network resources., Philosophy
Religious thought, Bibliography, Computer network resources., 18th century
Landscape gardening, England, Computer network resources., 18th century, History
English literature, Bibliography, 19th century, Computer network resources.
Text files, Bibliography, Computer network resources.
Computer network resources., 18th century, Bibliography, Music
Computer network resources., English literature, Bibliography, Early modern, 1500-1700
Science, Computer network resources., Bibliography, History, 18th century
Bibliography, Mathematics, Computer network resources., History, 18th century
Computer network resources., 18th century, English literature, Bibliography
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Political aspects., Food supply
New York (State), History, New York, 18th century., Food supply
History, New York (State), 19th century., New York, Food supply
New York (State), Economic aspects, New York., Food supply
Economic aspects., Food supply
History., New York (State), New York, Food supply
اللغة: الإنجليزية
التاريخ: 2016
ردمك: 1400883628
1 online resource (xv, 347 pages :)
illustrations, maps (some color) ;
ملف خارجي
نوع المادة: كتاب
المصادر: قاعدة بيانات الكتب المجانية