المؤلف: Litvak, Joseph.
الناشر: duke university press
نوع المادة: كتاب
Etniska relationer, politiska aspekter, Förenta staterna.
Antisemitism, historia, Förenta staterna, 1900-talet.
Judar i filmen, Förenta staterna.
anticommunisme, cinema americain (Etats-Unis), cosmopolitisme, maccartisme, Etats-Unis, 20e s. (2e moitie)
anticommunisme, antisemitisme, cinema americain (Etats-Unis), Juif, maccartisme, Etats-Unis, 20e s. (2e moitie)
Jews, Politics and government.
Jews in the motion picture industry.
Ethnic relations, Political aspects.
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Minority Studies.
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Ethnic Studies, General.
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Discrimination & Race Relations.
SOCIAL SCIENCE, Anthropology, Cultural.
Antisemitisme, États-Unis, Histoire, 20e siecle.
Juifs dans l'industrie cinematographique, États-Unis.
Antisemitism, United States, History, 20th century.
المصادر: MUSE
اللغة: الإنجليزية
التاريخ: 2009
ردمك: 9780822390848
1 online resource (304 pages):
ملف خارجي
المؤلف: Carton, John J.
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Business enterprises, Michigan, Menominee.
Schools, Michigan, Cedar River.
Michigan, Cedar River., Business enterprises
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Law and legislation, United States., Social security
Michigan., Busing for school integration
Public opinion, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Michigan.
Animal industry, United States., Law and legislation
Law and legislation, National health insurance, United States.
United States., Taxation, Law and legislation
United States., Women legislators
United States., Equal rights amendments
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Food industry, Battle Creek., Michigan
Battle Creek., Michigan, Streets
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Hamburg., Classrooms, Michigan
Michigan, Business enterprises, Manistee.
Ann Arbor., Dwellings, Michigan
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Police stations, Michigan, Detroit.
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Michigan, Musicians, Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor., Michigan, Music festivals
Manners and customs, 1961-1970.
المصادر: University of Michigan
اللغة: الإنجليزية
4.5 linear ft. (10 boxes), and 1 outsize folder, and 33 open reel videotapes.
ملف خارجي
نوع المادة: كتاب
Gilbert Lake., Michigan, Dwellings
Michigan, Ann Arbor., Dwellings
Ypsilanti., Michigan, Business enterprises
Clothing and dress, 1891-1900.
Automobile service stations, Michigan, Ypsilanti.
Clothing and dress, 1861-1870.
Clarkston., Michigan, Dwellings
Agricultural machinery & implements.
Clothing and dress, 1921-1930.
Marshall., City and town halls, Michigan
Dwellings, Michigan, Ypsilanti.
Marshall., Michigan, Automobile service stations
Bicycles and tricycles, 1861-1870.
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Street railroads, Dearborn., Michigan
Michigan, Street railroads, Ann Arbor.
Michigan, Maple Ridge., Lumber industry
Negaunee., Michigan, Historical markers
Michigan, Western., Indians of North America
Military parades and ceremonies.
Cadillac., Living rooms, Michigan
American, Soviet Union., Soldiers
Living rooms., Cadillac (Mich.)
Michigan, Port Huron., Street railroads
Port Huron (Mich.), Street railroads.
Michigan, Harbor Springs., Harbors
Children's clothing and dress.
Michigan, Port Huron., Bridges
المصادر: University of Michigan