المؤلف: Waldman, Anne,
نوع المادة: كتاب
United States., Social change in literature
United States., Buddhism and education
20th century., American poetry
Performance art, United States.
United States., Buddhism, Spiritual life
Experimental poetry, United States.
Oral interpretation of poetry.
المصادر: University of Michigan
المؤلف: Waldman, Anne,
نوع المادة: كتاب
Spiritual life, Buddhism, United States.
United States., Performance art
Social change in literature, United States.
Oral interpretation of poetry.
Bohemianism, 20th century., United States
Buddhism and education, United States.
المصادر: University of Michigan
المؤلف: Waldman, Anne,
نوع المادة: كتاب
United States., Social change in literature
Experimental poetry, United States.
Performance art, United States.
Buddhism, Spiritual life, United States.
20th century., Bohemianism, United States
Oral interpretation of poetry.
American poetry, 20th century.
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
Libraries, Special collections, Nonbook materials.
Acquisition of Latin American publications.
Bibliotheques, Amerique latine, Fonds speciaux, Non-livres, Congres.
Reseaux de bibliotheques, Amerique latine, Congres.
Acquisitions (Bibliotheques), Imprimes latino-americains, Congres.
Libraries, Special collections, Latin America, Nonbook materials, Congresses.
المصادر: MUSE
اللغة: الإنجليزية
التاريخ: 2012
ردمك: 9798987682517
1 online resource:
illustrations, map ;
ملف خارجي
المؤلف: Waldman, Anne,
نوع المادة: كتاب
United States., Spiritual life, Buddhism
Oral interpretation of poetry.
Women publishers, United States.
20th century., Bohemianism, United States
Experimental poetry, United States.
Social change in literature, United States.
Buddhism and education, United States.
United States., Beat generation
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
المصادر: قاعدة بيانات الكتب المجانية
نوع المادة: كتاب
Steel industry and trade, Michigan.
Detroit., Industries, Michigan
Greek letter societies, Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Copper mines and mining, Upper Peninsula., Michigan
Football, Ann Arbor., Michigan
المصادر: University of Michigan
نوع المادة: كتاب
المصادر: قاعدة بيانات الكتب المجانية